Monday, 26 September 2011

2 Evictions down - and what have we got?

I think it is fair to say that they are pissed off with us.  We are pissed off with them so that is all square.  Today's questions are therefore...

1. Does Live Feed seem any nearer?

2. How is Twitter filling the gap?

3. Does FB work?

4. How are CH5 reacting?

5. Where do we go from here?

Does Live Feed seem any nearer?

I think it is a fair bet that although we can see nothing out here in the tumbleweeds, deep in panic control there will be a contingency plan.  My view is that the delivery of advertising revenue from the sponsors would have been contractually dependent on the delivery of an audience.  If the sponsors did not insist on that, they may as well have given their cash to charity.

If I can take that as a given then it follows that there would have been a target number involved.  Perhaps the phrase used was that Ch5 would deliver an audience of or greater than X.  Down in the weeds it would have stipulated where and how that audience was measured.  For TV they would use BARB.  For the selected 'Social Media' they would have taken some measurement of the Facebook hits and possibly click-throughs to their web page and videos.  How they measure Twitter is beyond me at the moment because all I see is one way traffic - an endless stream of pointless Tweets from them - ranging from the inane to the totally absurd.  That one-way torrent of drivel cannot be used as a valid measurement for financial transactions.  So, we don't know what they measure and against what target.

What do we know then?  Well, rumours suggest that they have given themselves a deadline to hit targets.  That means, if taken at face value, that they are not meeting them.

What else do we know?  The handling of Nikki Cowan suggests an element of absolute panic in Ch5 - at least in Borehamwood.  The left hand did not know what the right hand was doing and the way they reacted suggests that someone very high up the organisation had shouted at the underlings and they reacted in the way that people do when shouted at. The someone would have to be above the programme producers.  Perhaps in the rarefied air inhabited by dear Jefford.  I would imagine that he is sick and tired of hearing 'Live feed'.  The terseness of his response to questions about Live Feed suggested someone of a testy disposition.  Perhaps the decision to drop it rest on his shoulders and he feels the cold wind from the Job Centre beckoning?   Certainly it suggests that he is the person who will have to change his mind and allow the stream to return to our computers at least.  Perhaps he doesn't like us?  Perhaps he won't take any notice of us?  Perhaps he will only listen to the advertisers and their lawyers?

I asked a colleague of mine about a useful way forward for the campaign.  This was the response.

Social Media, the same way Ch5 are trying to control the program. Not just one FB group, a dozen or more. All on the same message, all saying the same things. Twitter, again everybody tweets and re-tweets each other. Over and over again using hashtags to get a trend going. STAY ON MESSAGE AT ALL TIMES, ignore the trolls but re-tweet them to increase the trend.

Firstly, Channel Five, ALL of Ch5 not just the program. Directors, heads of department, newspaper editors, everybody. Secondly the fans. Not just the aggrieved like yourself but the others who are still tuning in. Tell them what they are missing and why and keep telling them.

The Advertisers, they are paying for the program and have very thin skins when it comes to public criticism, they don't like being shown up as supporting an unpopular program.
Again, Channel 5. E-mail complaints and 'suggestions' on how to improve the show.

Enough from me, feel free to suggest anything else you can think of or disagree if you like. If you REALLY want live feed to come back, ever, you have to do something before the end of this show.

 Perhaps Live Feed will get a bit nearer if we adopt these strategies.

How is Twitter filling the gap?
The answer is that it provides the 'endless stream of pointless tweets' that give us the opportunity for ReTweeting and generating publicity.  It will never fill the 'Live Feed Gap' because all it is is somebody else telling us what we should be thinking.  And that, dear Mr Jefford is precisely what Live Feed wasn't.  We watched, we formed our own opinions and we spread the opinions and defended them.

Does FB work?
It provides Ch5 with what they want and it gives us the opportunity to aggravate them.  Ch5 are reduced to inventing whole groups of 'flavoured' posters to combat the constant Live Feed chorus.  Some days they are all Nigerian-ish, others they are Irish-ish depending on who in the office has the job of spamming the walls with pro-Ch5 twaddle.  FB is not working for them unless they are generating enough click-throughs to satisfy the sponsors.  They cannot be measuring traffic on wall posts because they keep on deleting ours.  As long as we do not click through their video or picture links, or take part in the polls we should be doing them no good at all.

How are CH5 reacting?

Badly.  Which is good news for us.

Where do we go from here?
See above in blue.

Do not give up.

1 comment:

  1. Well thought out and well written, Jasmine!

    The valid points you make basically boil down to the viewers, and how they interact.

    When C5 took over the show, it was assumed, and also IMPLIED that it was going to be a bigger and better show! We didn't care what was said. All we knew was that our beloved Big Brother wasn't dead!
    When you hear the talking heads at C5 try to scramble from being against the wall, you get a perfect picture of how they got into this mess to begin with. I can see a bunch of "Pencil-Pushers" coming up with ideas to make the show better. And what they came up with was "Social Media is the way to go!".
    What we didn't know during the downtime between Ultimate Big Brother, and the airing of C5's Celebrity Big Brother was that what THEY thought would make the show better, and what THE FANS KNEW, were worlds apart.
    C5 thought that taking the show into the 21st century meant utilizing Facebook and Twitter.
    Those tools can ADD an element to the show, but they shouldn't have REPLACED the most important ingredient that has garnered millions of fans over the years: Live Feeds.

    Since I am in the U.S., I do not qualify to purchase the Live Feeds. I have tried in the past, only to be met with rejection when going to the C4 website. "We are sorry, but this product is not available in your country."
    I never dreamed that the same message would cross my computer screen when it came to just viewing the BB videos on the C5 website. For years, it had been possible to at least VIEW the video's on the C4 website. Not any longer.

    Add that to the fact that it seems that C5 has made it a matter of national security that someone would DARE upload those precious video's to Youtube for viewing outside of the UK. While they have taken away the opportunity to view the very same video's that have supposedly taken the place of the Live Feeds, and one would get the feeling that C5 isn't interested in getting as many viewers as possible, we can gather that C5 has either lost their minds, or they aren't interested in trying to 'spread the word' as it were. (Sorry for the run-on sentence)

    I sincerely hope that C5 would not be so egotistical that any input from the fans fall on deaf ears. I hope that their narcissistic attitude would one day FORCE them to listen to the thunderous outcry for Live Feeds. I know that they have had a taste of the complaints, and the fans have all but been ignored.
    One more point.
    I have read from several media people who cover the show for UK papers mention that THEY have access to the 24/7 broadcast, and at any given time (with permission) can view the filming so they can write reviews, articles, etc.
    So if this is possible for the media to view, how hard would it be to connect that broadcast to an internet/TV stream, maybe late at night, and meet the fans in the middle? Maybe not 24/7 live feeds, but maybe for 3 or 4 hours nightly. You can't tell me that the money generated for the Feeds is not a consideration to C5.

    Channel 5 is ruining the show. It is fan oriented, fan driven, and ultimately the fans decide who goes home and who stays. To limit the fan interaction that has made the show historical because of unprecedented fan access, is just shallow, pompous, vain, conceited, and any other word in the Thesaurus that describes what Channel 5 is.
