Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Absolutely pathetic BB, you are hopeless and you must know it by now

Many things are doubtless occurring in the BB house that Dirty Desmond and his underlings would prefer that we did not know about right now. Our moments of revelation will arrive in the magazine scoops afterwards. Scoops indeed, and not just for scooping out the freezer. But by their actions you can get an insight into how they are thinking though.

Consider this. We don't have live feed because they have a pathological obsession for controlling every aspect of the show. That works while the lab rats are in there but when they come out the game is up. Two housemates have told tales about Jay.

BB has tried to supress all mention of the second incident. They have edited videotapes and have employed extensive filtering on Facebook to stop anyone mentioning freezers and shit and a wide variety of synonyms for those words. But the world prefers to enjoy the words from the lips of Heaven than the BB spin machine. She may be as batty as a cave full of bats but she is honest. He did shit in the fridge. Fact 1.

Fact 2 is that Jay was told off for saying the 'deeply offensive' word 'black'. Well deeply offensive to the chattering classes perhaps. He used it in the context of telling a joke by using a poorly remembered film quote. So what? No more offensive than his stories about fisting, muff diving and five in a bed romps to most people. The only interesting thing is that BB chose to show the incident and his resulting admonition.

A poster on Facebook took this to mean that he did not crap in the freezer because we would have seen him being told off for being naughty. Abject bollox of course. The reason BB showed the incident and the Diary Room sequel was to show us that they are as tough on naughtiness as they were when Emily got the boot for saying the N word to the C woman.

The insight into BB is that they thought that we would swallow this feeble bit of spin. The freezer crap never occurred because if it did we would have seen Jay being told off.

And one gullible poster actually said it, although it is very doubtful if that was his own thought, expressed in the particularly inarticulate way so beloved by many of the posters, or if he was used to plant it into our consciousness.

Either way no dice BB.  You thought that if you showed us Jay being told off for one massive crime, we would realise that we had not seen him being told off for taking a dump in the freezer, therefore it could not have happened.  You are as hopeless at spin as you are at many of the other aspects of the programme.  We see nothing except what you choose to show us i.e. very little.  You chose not to show us the freezer dump and you chose to show us naughty Jay being told off for that worst sin in the whole world.   Social Media will be your downfall CH5.

1 comment:

  1. Well spoken!
    I agree that Channel 5 made a major mistake by replacing the Live Feed with Social Media.
    They will find out that the rumor mill and speculation only serves to bring down public opinion of Channel 5 instead of pointing focus on the house with Live Feed.
    Big mistake.
    My only fear is that the fallout from having no Live Feed will prove to be too much for Ch5, and the show won't be back for another season.
