Saturday, 1 October 2011

I have a headache brought on by BB - bring back Luke Marsden

I am a week older.  I have seen no Life Feed (in truth I haven't watched much of the HL show either).  Many of the show participants have previously appeared in some sort of acting video or song video or are registered as actors - whatever that means.
The OBB FB posters have revealed themselves as pretty incompetent and their admin/moderation policies towards non-"approved content" posters have been confirmed as consistently ruthless.

The show is absolutely dire (all 45 minutes of it) regardless of the soundtrack selected.  It is so bad that I popped into my Time Machine to 2008 to look at the Live Feed and have a browse on the C4 forum.  At the time we never thought things could get any worse, but we were badly mistaken.  We saw the stream and set our own agendas in the forums.  We decided what we would talk about and as long as we were not really nasty we could say what we chose..  Choice was the key issue.  We could watch what we wanted and the discussion topics we wanted were the ones we had.  Compare that to Twitter and Facebook now.  We cannot see what is happening and we are supposed to sit like Pavlovian dogs responding to each new inanity set by poorly trained simpletons employed by the very people who deny our requests for Live feed.

The viewing figures are dismal - earlier today there was talk about the summer like weather causing people to not come in at 10pm to watch the show (sunset is about 18:45 now).  If that is their best excuse it will be interesting to see what it is when the weather returns to Autumn normal next week.  There was even a suggestion that they may pull the show rather than admit they are doing something wrong.

They seem unable to accept that it the how they are doing it rather than the show itself that is at fault.  They can turn it round if they push that stream they are providing to journos out to the public - red button if they can.  Then sell the stream on the web to whoever will pay for it, regardless of country.  If that is at odds with their broadcast license terms then they should do something about it rather than going down without a fight.  They are taking the cowards way out if they drop the show because of the piss poor decisions that they have made so far.  And if there is one big fat ego at the root of it all then they should put him and his team of whizzo 'blue sky' thinkers out to grass and get in some people who understand that the show is only one thing - a social contract between the viewers and the show providers.  If they do not provide what we want we walk away.

Today I read a thread I wrote about Luke Marsden on C4 Forum in June 2008.  We loathed him and we watched him.  The posts in the thread were so funny that I had tears rolling down my cheeks.  It was a subject that we chose, we had observations to talk about, we had humour, sarcasm and a community.  Regardless of what Channel 5 and Big Brother may think, we have little of that now.  I never cared much for Luke but he was funny then and he probably is now.  He may have been a pain but he never gave me the headache that this load of bozos is; and the HMs are pretty irritating as well.

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